Gwadar to become Fulcrum of Economic Development under Smart Port City Master Plan

Prudently designed Gwadar Master Plan chalks out several strategies making Gwadar a fulcrum of economic development, Center of Tourism and the most significant trade avenue in region. Gwadar Master Plan presents roadmap on how Gwadar will emerge into Economic Hub with a GDP per capita of $15,000.

Gwadar Master Plan to Transform Port City into Fulcrum of Economic Development

Smart Port City Master Plan with its long term development strategies transforms Gwadar as a Fulcrum of Economic Development and Center of Trade in South Asia. Master Plan of Gwadar features around an exceptional bustle in areas of Industry, technology, trade and tourism for the port city aiming to generate $15000 GDP per capita. Pakistan’s Current income per capita is $1500 which Gwadar will eclipse by some 1000%.

Recently launched Gwadar Master Plan anticipates Gwadar’s economic output to surpass $30 Billion by creating up to 1.2 Million jobs for skilled workers and professionals. All of this hefty activity planned for the Port City will throw mass Impacts on Housing Sector of Gwadar.

Following the trade route as per master plan, Gwadar is set to become the Biggest GDP provider in Country, the chief port in western Pakistan, one of the westward sea routes in western China, the five Central Asian countries and the Trade Center of Afghanistan, South Asia and the neighboring Middle East.

Turkey to Assist Pakistan in Shipyard Operations – CPEC Update

Turkey is looking forward to assist Pakistan in Shipyard Operations and support for the infrastructure development in country. The interest was unveiled by Turkish delegation led by Transport and Infrastructure Minister Cahit Turhan in a meeting with Federal Minister of Maritime Affairs Ali Zaidi.

Turkish side has also expressed interest in CPEC and emphasized bilateral cooperation in the shipping sector and vowed to give preferential opportunities to Pakistani manpower in Turkish companies. After the finalization of necessary details and protocols, both countries will sign relevant MOUs.

Turkey’s assistance to Pakistan in shipping sector will be helpful providing assistance in functions of Gwadar Port and would also be supportive to Government’s Initiative of Shipping Trainings for the Locals of Gwadar.

Watch the video to get the details of profitable road front open land investment in Gwadar.

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