Category: CPEC
Government Kicks off ML-1 Project – CPEC Update
ML-1 Railway project is one of the most expensive infrastructure projects in CPEC program. ML-1 project is starting now in second phase of CPEC with an amount of Rs 360 Million released by the Federal Government. The total estimated cost of ML-1 project is 8.2 Billion Dollar and is supposed to be completed by 2022.…
CPEC Hazara Motorway Completed – Latest Update
The other motorway completed under CPEC is Hazara Motorway. Hazara Motorway is almost ready to be open for traffic. Inauguration of Hazara Motorway is announced in upcoming month October 2019. Development on CPEC projects is ongoing and many CPEC Infrastructure Projects have been concluded. CPEC aiming to bridge country’s infrastructure gap rapidly showing results in…
China Pakistan Economic Corridor to be expanded for Mutual Growth
CPEC is on rapid escalation to its completion and time is not left far when entire region trade will be depending on it. CPEC is leading to future goals of multiple industries while Governments on both sides are focusing on an effective functionality of it. A robust infrastructure for trade and boom in energy sector…
Three Motorways under CPEC Completed and to Open for Public – Latest Update
Three motorway projects under China Pakistan Economic Corridor are completed and all set for inauguration. These three Motorway projects include 392km long Multan-Sukhar Motorway, 68km long Hakla-DI Khan Motorway and 40km long section of Thakot-Havelian expressway. These motorway projects are of great significance for Pakistan’s economy under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) framework. Motorways…
Korea Investing in CPEC – Latest News
CPEC is getting more strength with another investment proposal recently made by Korea. Korea has shown willingness to invest in CPEC and enhance bilateral trade with Pakistan. As soon as CPEC is heading towards accomplishment, the megaproject is receiving more admiration and investment offers. Many countries have already join CPEC for its successful tomorrow and…
CPEC Importance for Balochistan Development
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a hot favorite subject in region and its tremendous fame speaks volume about its importance. Though CPEC termed game changer for entire region but Balochistan will get maximum fruits out of this megaproject for having Gwadar deep seaport in it. Strategic location of Gwadar is the core cause for…
Gwadar New Master Plan Officially Approved Now
Gwadar New Master Plan is the most awaited affair for all stakeholders and its launch is much expected within 2019. All major development works are on halt in wait of New Gwadar New Master Plan causing confusion for local and foreign investors. This uncertainty also creating speculations and mistrust to some extent and no further…
ML-1 Railway Line – CPEC Development Update
ML-1 Railway Line is a key project of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) dubbed as backbone of CPEC with an estimated cost of $8.2 Billion. The ML-1 Railway Line up-gradation under CPEC is divided into three phases with incorporation of modern technology and additional freight wagons. The ML-1 Railway Line is one of the major…
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Under CPEC to Encourage Investments
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Under CPEC to Encourage Investments Special Economic Zones (SEZs) have been created by Pakistan’s Board of Investment (BOI) to encourage investments in CPEC. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is established to flourish economy via trade and bringing investment opportunities to the region. Both countries are striving to make CPEC a successful…
Multan-Sukkur Motorway – CPEC Development Update
Multan-Sukkur Motorway – CPEC Development Update Multan-Sukkur section (M5) of the motorway has been completed. Day by day CPEC projects are getting completed and Government is committed towards the timely completion and implementation of the megaproject. Government has reserved PKR 118 Billion out of a total budget of PKR 156 billion, for timely completion of…