Gwadar New Master Plan Phase 1

Gwadar New Master Plan Phase 1 – Short Term Planning (2020-2025)

Short term development phase of Gwadar Master Plan is based on 5 years from 2020 up till 2025. Gwadar Master Plan was launched in September 2019 and this is a detailed Master Plan of Gwadar encompassing overall development of Port City. Master Plan divides the development of Gwadar in three different phases short, medium and long term.

Gwadar Master Plan Phase 1 – Orientation and Land Categories

Gwadar Master Plan shows multiple colors indicating different land categories and this colorful area on Master Plan falls in short term planning phase. Each color represents a different land category having different terms and characteristics given as under.

  • Existing Area
  • Industrial Land (M0, M1 and M2)
  • Business & Commercial Land (B1 and B2)
  • Ware House Land
  • Business and Residential Mixed Land (B&R)
  • Residential Land (R1, R2 and R3)
  • Community Service Land
  • Recreational Land (REC 1, REC 2, Rec 3, Rec 4 and Rec 5)

The above mentioned land categories cover only 30% of land of Port City while rest of 70% land is declared as Reserved Land which will be utilized as per the real development needs of Gwadar. Basically naturally carved shape of Gwadar with East Bay and West Bay makes it easy for us to understand land categorization and dynamics of Gwadar Master Plan.

As we can see West Bay side shows majority of brown blocks and this color specifies Industrial Land. Likewise East Bay side demonstrate concentrated yellow blocks that are for Residential Land Category.

Red Color defines Business and Commercial Land and this land category is segregated at different locations of Gwadar. Each land category is further divided in types as per its requirements and features. Short Term Development Phase of Gwadar Master Plan also sets the criteria of short term investment opportunities in Gwadar.

Watch the video to get full orientation of Short Term Development Area in Master Plan of Port City.

Click Here to Watch Video

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Talaal Haider – Director Gwadar Jaidad

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