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Railway Network Map

Railway Network Map of CPEC displays seven types of railway tracks planned under infrastructure portfolio of mega project. The Railway Network Map under CPEC includes the advancement of existing railway lines and construction of new tracks.

Development of Railway Network is one of the most expensive programs of CPEC as only ML-1 is worth $ 8.2 Billion. Advancement of Pakistan Railway won’t only uplift the communication and transport but it also has an essential part to play for regional prosperity and economic growth.

The second phase of CPEC has a special emphasis on transportation infrastructure and ML-1 aiming the refurbishment of existing railway tracks has also been started with the ongoing phase II of CPEC. The given Railway Network Map shows a wide-ranged robust and pragmatic railway system planned under CPEC.

CPEC railway network map shares the details of all railway lines stretching out across Pakistan and even beyond the border as you may see, 1059 Kilometers long Havelian to Kashi railway track is expanded across the border.

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