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Gwadar Free Zone to Host First Investment Company – CPEC Update

China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is undergoing its most influential phase which aims producing maximum employments and investments in Pakistan. Recently a shipment of first imported materials for first investment company in Gwadar Free Zone arrived at Gwadar Port.

First Investment Company to be started in Gwadar Free Zone – CPEC Update

Gwadar Free Zone under CPEC is to host first investment company for which imported material arrived at Gwadar Port couple of days back. Second Phase of China Pakistan Economic Corridor has reached to its most effective stage envisioned to fetch finest development in region.

Commencement of investment company in Gwadar Free Zone will enhance the appeal to further investments and businesses in Gwadar opening doorway to more opportunities in area. Pakistan has set three major goals to achieve in near future under CPEC that are given as under.

  1. 1st Target (2020): Period of Market Cultivation
  2. 2nd Target (2025): Period of Expansion and Development
  3. 3rd Target (2030): Period of Maturity

Period of Market Cultivation is about addressing major bottlenecks to Pakistan’s economic and social development in order to boost the economic growth.

Period of Expansion and Development includes the development of processing and manufacturing industries, significant improvement in people’s livelihood, balanced regional economic development and all the goals of Pakistan’s vision 2025.

Period of Maturity comprises the arrangement of endogenous mechanism for sustainable economic growth through CPEC to play a leadership role in the region.

Plantation of Trees at Airport Road Gwadar – Development Update

Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) is actively performing Development of Gwadar simultaneously creating Investment Opportunities in Port City. Government of Pakistan is keen to make Gwadar a smart city with eco-friendly environment and plantation of trees along main roads is underway as per Clean and Green Gwadar Program.

Currently GDA is Planting date trees and other plants at Airport Road Gwadar to enhance the beauty and environment of emerging port city. Likewise activities at Gwadar Port and other infrastructure developments in area are also in full swing right now as per the preliminary phase of Gwadar Master Plan.

Watch the video to get development updates of February 2020 in Gwadar.

Cleck Here to Watch Video

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