Gwadar Decoration and Construction Agreement

Gwadar Decoration and Construction Agreement with China – Development Update

Recently DC Gwadar and delegation from Hunan province’s signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen cooperation between the two cities and boost relationship with better planning. Work on the decoration of Gwadar and advancement of GDA hospital will take place under this agreement.

Gwadar and Pupong Sign MoU of Cooperation under Sister City Initiative – Development Update

Gwadar A Masterpiece of Natural Beauty is now all set to be decorated under the recently signed MoU of cooperation and boosting relationship between Pupong Municipality of Hunan Province of China and Gwadar. Delegation of Hunan called on Deputy Commissioner Gwadar, Captain (retd.) Muhammad Wasim. DC Gwadar and Hunan Province signed Gwadar Decoration agreement under Sister City initiative.

Gwadar Designing and District Planning – Development Update

Previously on March 28 2019, Beijing inked the agreement to expand the bilateral relations between Pupong and Gwadar under Sister City Initiative. During recently held meeting, DC Gwadar Captain (Rtd) Muhammad Wasim and Chinese delegation deliberated regarding various fields of Gwadar and better planning of the district under Sister City relationship.

With the cooperation of Chinese company, Gwadar Administration is soon going to start work on decoration and renovation of district. In this regard, Chinese company will provide grant which will be utilized for the designing and decoration of all major intersections and monuments in Gwadar.

GDA Hospital to be provided with Modern Technology – Development Update

The delegation from Hunan also visited Gwadar Institution Development Hospital which is also known as GDA Hospital. GDA Hospital would be provided with modern technology of Tele Medicine linking the hospital online with the Chinese hospitals for the provision of free remote consultation and training in Gwadar. All these developments would be done under Sister City Relation.

Watch the below given video to know the ideal investment option in Gwadar if you are interested to invest in this rapidly emerging port city.


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