Naval Anchorage Gwadar

Naval Anchorage Gwadar Location in Gwadar Master Plan 2019

Naval Anchorage Gwadar falls in residential zone of Gwadar Master Plan 2019. This prestigious residential project by Pakistan Navy is one of the Safest Investment Options in Gwadar. Naval Anchorage Gwadar spans over 1453 acres of land with prime land features defined by Gwadar Master Plan 2019.

Naval Anchorage Gwadar Land Analysis – Gwadar New Master Plan

Naval Anchorage Gwadar with its area of 1453 acres, falling in Residential Zone which is further divided in four sub categories. This mega project is comprised of two sub categories of residential zone that are given as under.

  • R1 – Low Density Area
  • R2 – Medium Density Area

Naval Anchorage Gwadar Location in Gwadar Master Plan 2019

Naval Anchorage Gwadar is located at the junction of Rakshan Avenue & Coastal Highway near Zero Point at West Bay Gwadar. Since the project is carrying land bylaws of category R1 and R2, the developer will have to implement construction rules specified for these categories.

Gwadar Master Plan demarcated land categories with different construction rules and guidelines and will be implemented on every project. We have been updating our readers by all the dynamics and bylaws of Residential Land Categories that Gwadar Master Plan 2019 has brought.

You may also watch the below given video to know the details of residential zone and its sub categories.




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