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Highway Network Map

CPEC has brought an infrastructure revolution in Pakistan and roads share a major part of its portfolio. Highway Network Map of CPEC shares details of roads planned to be developed under CPEC.  CPEC Highways provide access and trade ways along with millions of jobs opportunities.

Highway Network Map displays all the details where from these roads will pass indicating the villages, towns, cities, capital and nod cities. Highway Network shows all type of CPEC based roads which are given as under.

  • Existing Highway
  • Continued Construction Project
  • Priority Project
  • Short Term Project
  • Mid and Long-Term Project
  • Other Highway

CPEC is a game changer for the region and its working to bridge infrastructure gap of Pakistan. Highways under CPEC are apparently roads but in actual these roads are opening ways to enormous business and trade opportunities bringing countless employments and economic revival to Pakistan.

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Ahsan Tauheed

CEO – Gwadar Jaidad
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