Gwadar New Master Plan

Gwadar New Master Plan Officially Approved Now

Gwadar New Master Plan is the most awaited affair for all stakeholders and its launch is much expected within 2019. All major development works are on halt in wait of New Gwadar New Master Plan causing confusion for local and foreign investors. This uncertainty also creating speculations and mistrust to some extent and no further prediction is a substitute unless the launch of New Gwadar Master Plan.

We have updated Gwadar clients about the reason of delay in New Master Plan Launch and current status of under consideration design of Port City. Here is an update regarding Gwadar New Master Plan Launch.

Gwadar New Master Plan July Workshop

Recently at 25 July 2019, a comprehensive workshop named Gwadar Master Plan has been organized in Gwadar. All high level government officials, builders and investors were present in this Gwadar Master Plan Workshop. A fisherman organization and local investors were also invited in Gwadar Master Plan Workshop.

All high level government officials, builders and investors were present in this Gwadar Master Plan Workshop. A fisherman organization and local investors were also invited in Gwadar Master Plan Workshop.

Gwadar Master Plan workshop was held to showcase the preparation of new Gwadar Master Plan. It was informed to all that Master Plan is fully ready and design has been approved by all authorities. In this new Gwadar Master Plan physically and technically no further changes are required.

The workshop was hosted by DG GDA Shahzaib Kakar and presentation was given by Nadir Baloch (Deputy Director Town Planning Gwadar). Representative of builders and construction companies, Govt officials, Chinese representative and local stake holders also participated in this workshop.

Gwadar Master Plan workshop was held to showcase the preparation of new Gwadar Master Plan. It was informed to all that New Master Plan is fully ready and design has been passed by all authorities. Now the New Master Plan will be presented to Government bodies and physically or technically no further changes are required.

It is also been reported that government bodies have already passed the prepared Master Plan so it is all set for launch.The final display of Gwadar Master Plan to government bodies is expected in first week of August.

Gwadar New Master Plan and Gwadar Real Estate

The launch of Gwadar New Master Plan is a major happening which will throw gigantic impacts on Gwadar Real Estate. Future of any property mainly lies in its location and development condition. Pakistan has got a new scope by the location value of Gwadar and world comprehends the strategic worth of deep port city in its miraculous location. Now rest of attraction is all depending upon the development of Gwadar which is paused for the awaited Master Plan.

Since Gwadar Master Plan is expected within the ongoing year, Gwadar real estate market has again started picking boom. Once the master plan will be launched, machinery will roll and halted development work will be kicked off. Government’s seriousness about CPEC completion reflects that speedy development of Gwadar will be the next in cards right after the launch of Gwadar Master Plan.

Pace of development will start shaping port city restoring interest of buyer and rates of properties in Gwadar are expected to be doubled after the launch of Master Plan. Gwadar is the next hot favorite destination for property investors in months to come.

For more CPEC and Gwadar related updates, keep visiting our website.

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